




Beginning this Fall, Pocket Productions is teaming up with collaborators across the city for a brainstorming blowout. This year, ArtRagous will inspire the city with spontaneous performances and public art involving the whole city; events planned each month will catch residents off guard, and YOU are invited to be a part of them. We will initiate collaborations that bring together artists from across Columbia to create new works. What do you envision? Come share your ideas and get involved with ArtRageous and Playing After Dark. As if that were not enticing enough, you'll enjoy free creative juices including sangria, music, and interactive art.

Let's get started. We've got questions, you've got ideas.

What public performances or installations would you like to see in Columbia?

What are your ideas for public ArtRageous events that anyone can become part of, regardless of talent?

What art shows would you like to see at Tapps Art Center?

What Playing After Dark collaborations would you like to see?

What media would you like to see explored through Playing After Dark?

What is your craziest (but functional) design for a bike rack?

What do you see happening with 50 boxes of sidewalk chalk?

What do you see happening with 50 bottles of primary colored egg tempura paint?

What else?


A project brainstorming session with the creative class in Columbia, SC


October 25 6:30-8 PM


Tapps Art Center


You, your community, and your beautiful brains.


Because this is your art scene. These are your sidewalks that we are dancing on. These are your walls we're projecting interactive art onto. Come put in your two cents.

What else?

Free creative juices including sangria, music, and interactive art.